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University Admissions

"Make the journey to your future with the support of Oxford International Education Consultants"


T   +44 (0) 7855 366271 

  • Highly personalised University Advice, Planning, Application, Admissions Preparation

  • Early ‘needs analysis’ to inform personalised advice and preparation specific to each student.

  • Experts in assisting students gain entry to leading UK Universities, US and Canadian Universities, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa 

  • Unique Oxbridge Application and Admissions Preparation Programme


OIEC can provide students with expert Careers, Higher Education and University advice and support. An early ‘needs analysis’ will ensure that students are guided by a mentor who has the relevant expertise and experience to support individuals at every stage of the University Admissions pathway. 


OIEC have supported students to gain entry into many of the World’s leading Universities with such enviable success achieved through a highly personalised service combined with the knowledge and up-to-date knowledge of our University mentors who have a thorough understanding of specific entrance requirements. OIEC can boast an enviable success rate compared to the sector averages and our data illustrates that students can improve significantly their chances of gaining course entry by working with OIEC.  


We recognise that for some subjects’ students will require a more specific pathway and whilst we offer specialised Programmes to support all career and study choices, we have unrivalled experience in supporting those who wish to follow; Art and Drama, Law, Medicine, Teaching and Education. 


OIEC are able to offer a wide range of University Admissions Programmes that are available face-to face and online. Please do contact us to discuss your specific requirements and we can together ensure your career ambitions are on track. 


OIEC also offer University Admissions support, including introduction presentations and full delivery Programmes, to Schools, Colleges and Educational groups. Please do contact us to discuss your specific requirements

"Successful outcomes are built upon a solid foundation. OIEC will support you from early University advice along the journey to gaining a place at your first choice University"

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