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Cultural, Enrichment and Themed Courses

OIEC specialise in providing a range of unique UK based courses that offer student groups a once in a lifetime academic, cultural and enriching experience in a World famous city. Courses are completely bespoke and designed to cater for the age of the group, interests and intended outcomes. Courses vary in length and the itinerary is designed to meet the specific needs and choices of each group. 


  • Revision Courses

  • Specific Exam Preparation

  • School Entry and Scholarship Preparation

  • University Admissions and Test Preparation

  • Academic Advancement Courses

  • EFL and IELTS

  • Enrichment and Cultural Experiences

  • Career focussed experiences

  • UK and Oxford Immersion Courses


Although each course will vary by intention, design and outcome, all courses are hosted by an experience course manager, an assistant, and supported by relevant expert tutors and teachers (translators / interpreters are also available upon request). 


All of our courses are bespoke and individual design is assured, students and groups can expect, if desired, to experience the following as a guide:


  • A full board experience at an Oxford College or choice of carefully selected hotels (other accommodation and board options are available)  

  • English classes to develop understanding, writing and presentation skills.

  • A programme of lectures, presentations and activities  - this will vary depending on the course theme and aims. In all cases, these are delivered by leading educational experts, University of Oxford Professors and academics or specifically skilled staff.

  • A range of cultural and educational visits within the City and other significant locations in the UK.

  • An array of co-curricular activities to develop life skills, team work and fortitude and resilience.

  • A chance to engage with the local community, including students and academics, through educational, social and charity interactions.

  • Social activities and entertainment programme.

  • Formal ‘Gala’ end of course dinner and awards/accreditation ceremony/event. 



There is no limit to the variety of first-class course experiences available or the content within. Each course is designed specifically to cater for the needs, circumstances and intended aims of each group whilst maintaining OIEC’s assurance of professionalism and quality. Courses may have a general theme or a specific focus that is designed specifically in advance however all timetables remain fully flexible throughout each course and can be adapted to the group’s needs. A key theme or focus is not necessary, and a course can comprise of a true blend of aims, experiences and outcomes. 


As a guide only, OIEC can provide bespoke specialist courses with key themes such as those below with the addition of carefully selected additional components, electives, trips and experiences:  


  • An academic, cultural and enrichment blend

  • English language and skills development

  • A ‘STEM’ experience

  • Artificial Intelligence 

  • Science

  • Humanities

  • Maths specific

  • Careers focussed courses 

  • Arts and Drama

  • Global Issues

  • British History and Culture

  • Sports and athletic development and coaching

We would be delighted to discuss with you your exact requirements and begin building your unique course. 



T   +44 (0) 7855 366271 

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